Integrative analysis of structural variations

This package provides efficient tools to read and integrate structural variations predicted by popular softwares. Annotation and visualization of structural variations are also implemented in the package.

intansv integrates the SV predictions of the following programs


  • the latest development version from Github with

  • the latest development version from Bioconductor with

    if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

Source code in GitHub

Help Manual

Overview of intansv

intansv development version 1.27.0 support the following version of SV prediction programs

intansv development version 1.21.0 support the following version of SV prediction programs

intansv development version 1.17.1 support the following version of SV prediction programs

intansv release version 1.7.3 support the following version of SV prediction programs

intansv release version 1.7.1 support the following version of SV prediction programs

Available Genome Annotation files storaged as ‘Rdata’ created from Gff3 files

Report bugs

If you find any bugs using intansv, please create an issue or send me an email.

Contact information

ywhzau at